Saturday 16 August 2014

Spiritual Awakenings, Beer and Guitar Building

Well it's been a long and eventful week of folk, beer and guitar building this week.

As I mentioned in my previous blog. It's been folk week in my seaside home town, so of course I've been around the stalls, having a good look at various folk art, clothes and the like and not actually buying anything!

Bands and cider have been plentiful though, which hand in hand brings me to this song I heard drifting through the trees on my way home one night.

Picture the scene:

I'm a little worse for wear. I've had a good night but I'm quite the lightweight nowadays and I've decided to call time. 

I'm on my way home and I hear a beautiful sound echoing from deep within the park. 

I stop dead in my tracks, I need to investigate! 

The park is pitch black, but I walk in and see a bright light. 

It blinds me a little and makes the park seem darker somehow but I follow it. 

It's as though I've kicked the bucket and I'm walking towards the light with a choir of angels beckoning me. 

This is a very surreal memory in my head but turns out I filmed this "spiritual" moment.

Turns out it was pretty creepy! 


But I digress. 

The acanthus leafed guitar is finally finished! 

I had problems to the end with this thing but finally it's ready to sell, just need a buyer!

Take a look! 

Next challenge is to finish putting up the workshop and finish the next guitar. I will keep progress documented so keep checking back and please share my pages and blogs etc. 

Thank you!


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